ZAKA Recherches & Secours

ZAKA Recherches & Secours

Zaka Rabbis

Naturally, due to the nature of the work of the ZAKA volunteers, they encounter difficult halachic questions and problems, sometimes in making fateful decisions, in questions of saving lives and controlling the soul, halachic identification, the permit for mourning, Shabbat and holidays, prohibitions and permits. Difficult questions and complications piled up during the work and were renewed from case to case This is why the Zaka Rabbinical Council was established to guide the organization and its volunteers, to give practical halachic instructions in every matter and thing that arises in the holy work, to strengthen and deepen the study of halacha among Zaka volunteers in matters related to Zaka work.

Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl Gaon Shalita

Président d'honneur du Conseil

Rav Yaakov Rougea Shalita

Président du Conseil

Rav Yéchiel Michel Stern Shalita

Rav Haim Dvir Shalita

Rav Yéhoshoua Hershkovitz Shalita

Rav Ari Kahan Shalita

Rav Meir Aker

Secrétaire du Conseil rabbinique

Recommendations of the great men of Israel