ZAKA Recherches & Secours

ZAKA Recherches & Secours

Dr. Aliza Bloch presented certificates of appreciation and recognition to the ZAKA volunteers

The municipality of Beit Shemesh held a ceremony last night (Tuesday) to honor and appreciate the volunteers of the security, emergency and rescue organizations who have worked non-stop since the terrible massacre on the day of Simchat Torah. The ceremony was attended by representatives and volunteers from the various emergency organizations, including: Police, Home Front Command, Zaka, MDA, Ihud Hatzla, Beit Shemesh Fire and Rescue and more. During the ceremony, Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch presented certificates of appreciation to the ZAKA volunteers who, with extraordinary devotion, engaged in the most difficult holy work since the terrible massacre without a break and with real ferocity.

The mayor presented the certificates to the commander of the ZAKA team in the city of Beit Shemesh, the philanthropist Rabbi Avraham Kapp, to volunteer Dovi Margalit and to volunteer Yossi Miller.

Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch praised the dedication of the Zaka people and said that, “The city of Beit Shemesh salutes the Zaka volunteers who, since the terrible massacre, have worked day and night for the honor of the living and the dead under hellish fire and true dedication. I wish them to know only more peaceful and calmer days. We all owe them a lot.”

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