ZAKA Recherches & Secours

ZAKA Recherches & Secours

ZAKA volunteers rescued a lifeless baby from a building that caught fire in the Negev

Zaka volunteers from the Negev region were called in the last few hours to a building that caught fire near the Arara settlement in the Negev, where they rescued a six-month-old baby from the ruins, who unfortunately died on the spot.

Negev Zaka volunteers Naser Farjiat and Khalil Abu Zaid who arrived at the scene said that, “They were called to a building that was on fire in order to pay their last respects to a baby who unfortunately died in the fire. We wrap the family in hugs and love and wish them never to know sorrow again.”

Naser Frijat said that, “A fire broke out in the house, when the baby was playing with the coals in the kitchen. The house caught fire and he was found dead on the spot. The girl who was staying in the house was rescued by the mother who rushed to the scene. The girl was evacuated by helicopter as well as the mother to Soroka Hospital.”

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